Diabetes being one of the metabolic disorder most common among the global population, India topping the charts with diabetic patients globally. dLife.in is India's oldest, largest and fastest growing online low carb platform founded in 2014 by Anup Singh, an engineer, a silver medalist from IIT Roorkee and a 14th year pill free Diabetic life. Back in 2014, dLife started with an online health and wellness forum catering to diabetes remission with that pushed Low Carb High Fat (LCHF), was free. The forum gradually started gaining popularity with global traffic, also growth of LCHF active community on forum connecting with each other. The founder started sharing his diabetic remission knowledge with the diabetic community online and this helped numerous person of all ages in remission of diabetics. As the popularity and traffic increased on the forum some section of the forum was paid. The forum started various value addition services related with health and wellness, as it gained popularity and trust among its registered paid members on the wellness forum. As dlife.in matured online with registered members from diversified professionals and academic background (including Doctors from the medical fraternity), it started covering various other metabolic disorder that are most prevalent. To name most common metabolic disorders are PCOS, Obesity, CKD, etc.
Furthermore this is the only award-winning platform that was awarded with Icons of India by India's one of the most prestigious print media house, outlook group. (Preview Interview For Icons of India Award). Dlife has also got coverage on India leading news channel ABP News on World diabetic Day.
As value addiction and provide more focused service is now into Two section, Academic and Health care
A Dlife Health Care
A1. dlife.in, online health forum: which is again the single biggest platform in the world as far as LCHF is concerned. It has 3,000 plus combined success stories, 2,000 plus original keto, low-carb, vegetarian, non-vegetarian recipes, over 200 plus podcasts, including the metabolic health conference It is the largest content low carb nutrition. Comprises of biggest libraries of low-carb resource materials in the world, not just biggest but one of the biggest. The platform supported with a robust forum for discussion and long threads on cases. Discussion that that are related to various metabolic disorder are very helpful as reference in treatment of patient suffering from similar metabolic disorders handled by any of the metabolic coaches. A client who needs assistance or has a query, they can post it on forum as a fresh thread and all mentors, certified coaches would go and answer as support. Support for everyone is like hand holding, whether they are practicing, whether they are studying or whenever they need help, dlife.in stands by the need of the hour. There's a robust forum of discussion and long threads on the cases. For example, if anybody wants to handle a client and needs guidance on that, he can go and post the client's reports and the queries on the forum and it will be answered instantly or within very less time by the mentors, by the moderators, by the certified metabolic health coaches.
dlife.in content Summary
▶️ 10+ years of curated dats related with Health and Wellness
▶️ 3000+ Success stories of remission
▶️ 2000+ original low-carb/keto/veg/non veg recipes
▶️dLife's 9th year celebration podcast with 100+ podcasts(Preview )
▶️ A robust forum of India's top Metabolic Health Coaches
A2. dlifeHospitals.com, Virtual Hospital for Therapies: This is a spinoff of dlife.in for providing one on one support to each patient suffering from various chronic diseases. The therapies provided to each patient would be by a qualified tenable Metabolic coach, who are certified as a tenable Metabolic coach. Dlife Hospital assigns a Metabolic Coach, after its team previews all the reports of patient and allocate a Metabolic Coach, related to the metabolic disorders. The Therapist (Metabolic coach) is also supported by various other metabolic coaches, so each patient, despite interacting with one coach is backed by a team of coaches. The cases based on the reports will be allocated to a therapist with their area of specialization or even if any success stories of the therapist related with similar case. The main objective being reversal and remission of metabolic disorders.
B. Dlife Academy & Education
B1. Diploma in Health and Nutrition: Gold Standard in Low-carb Nutrition and Metabolic Health is "made in India". The dLife Diploma Course in “Low-Carb Nutrition and Metabolic Health” is India’s only legally tenable course. The only one from India that is CPD, SO UK accredited, with the global biggest 60 hrs. credit to diploma course, and the only ones from India again to be The SMHP approved CMHE provider. dLife and the dLife Diploma course, dLife is India's biggest, oldest and the only award-winning low-carb platform founded by Anup Singh. dLife Diploma was launched in 2020 which has the largest content on low carb nutrition with 800 plus references, 200,000 plus words, 60 relevant videos, lifetime access to the course is given and along with the course, forum access is given. The course is legally attainable. As a single biggest LC platform in the world with goldmine of resources for Indian lowcarb nutrition. It provides all support to its members and students.
This course educates an individual to fill in the gap of low-carb nutrition and metabolic health which essentially means that people who are dietitians people who are nutritionist are not trained to handle or reverse metabolic diseases they work with calories they work with generic diets they work with sports nutrition performance nutrition but when you're talking about reversing metabolic syndromes or reversing metabolic diseases through diet then dLife Diploma in Health and nutrition legally certifies you to practice as a metabolic health coach. Metabolic health coaches trained and certified to deal in metabolic syndromes or diseases and improving overall health markers and reversing those conditions.
dLife is a goldmine of LCHF resources- It's the single biggest low carb platform in the world with
▶️ 5000+ Success stories of remission
▶️ 2000+ original low-carb/keto/veg/non veg recipes
▶️ 200 podcasts
▶️ A robust forum of discussion with India's top Metabolic Health Coaches
▶️ The world's most exhaustive Low-carb Nutrition & Metabolic Health course.
▶️ Global biggest 144 CPD hrs credit to the course
▶️ India's only CMHE provider in Low-carb space as approved by SMHP (USA)
▶️ India's only legally tenable course on low-carb nutrition & Metabolic Health
▶️ Approved under the NSDC Partner, Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt of India in Low-carb Nutrition & Metabolic Health!
▶️The world's most exhaustive Low-carb Nutrition & Metabolic Health course.
India first ever and historic Metabolic Health Conference(MHC)- Low Carb Across the Globe this was organized by Shashikant Iyengar & Anup Singh that featured the top global drs and iconic names working in the field of low-carb. As on date, two global conferences was conducted as MHC-1 2023 and MHC-2 2024.
MHC-1 2023 was a major success for creating awareness amount masses about Nutrition and Low Cars. Speakers that included leading doctors delivered all their experiences and also to talk about Lowcarb and Nutrition as medicine
MHC-2 2024 This was even a bigger success with more qualified doctors opening out to talk about healthy life with low carbs. Doctors also talks about various myths about nutrition. cure and remission for various chronic diseases like CKD, Cancer, etc. were talked by doctors around the world, as speakers in this global metabolic health conference conference