Mr. Anup Singh

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Is the Founder person of and and Medallist from IIT- Roorkee. Being a diabetic from 2011, he is on a pill free life. BAck in 2011, when he was diagnosed for diabetes, he researched on  Nutrition and Low Carb and came up with a Diet plane of 100 Carbs a day for diabetic reversal. He did all his clinical trial with Low carb diet plans. As most engineer explore the root cause to solve the problem he too went on the same approach and concluded based on clinical trials on himself with custom diet plans that carbs is the culprits. With time his research pn carb did not stop and not just diabetes but Carb can be culptit for many Metabolic Disorder.

online health Plaforms: This platform comes in form of health and welness forum on This forum caters to every registered individuals to reverse from various type of Metabolic Disorders. The online healt platform is supported by Team of qualified Metabolic coaches also what the founder calls as family of dLife. These coaches are tenable to provide Metabolic therapies. 

Educating with Certification : Vision of the founder Mr. Anup Singh is endorsed by the fact when we see the rising grown in Metabolic Disorders. To tackle this issue he aunced an Low carb based Haealt and Nutrition Course. The main objective of this was to generate and build a team of professional tenable to practice and provide treament to individuals struck with Metabolic Disorders. 

Metabolic Health Conference: Past two year he has been promoting Metabolic Health Confernce in India. The main objective of this confereance is to spread global awarenes of lifestyle can have major impact on a healthy life. Guest speakers around the globle participate in the conference and talk on the same wave lenght and objective of Mr. Anup Singh. The speakers majority of them being Doctors and even Health coaches and Nutritionist share their personal experiance with Low carb and Keto diets for remission from various Metabolic cancers. This remission is also for chronic diesease like Cancer and CKD (Chronic Kidney Diesease)

Virtual Hospitals : with a tag line of Zeal To Heal is now being launced as another wing of Internet has come to be a boon for various professions. This is also a belssing n diguise for fitoholic individual as it exposes them to various information related with health. with mission to heal the world, virtual hospital is being launced that will conncted patiets to therapist who have vast expeiance in reversing metabolic disorders face by a patients connecting wit dlifehospitals.