Is the Founder person of and and Medallist from IIT- Roorkee. Being a diabetic from 2011, he is on a pill free life. BAck in 2011, when he was diagnosed for diabetes, he researched on Nutrition and Low Carb and came up with a Diet plane of 100 Carbs a day for diabetic reversal. He did all his clinical ...
She is heading Media Segment of dLife Foundation. She herself is a renowed Health and Metabolic Coach dealing with various chronic disease and reversals. She sits on wide number of testimonials from patient across globe that she helped in reversing from various chronic disease. ...
A Graduate in CS, software engineer with over 25 years of experience in various projects.He is Director of Scorpio Informatic Pvt Ltd, software company. His software company has served client globally for various ITEs. His main domain of expertise is ERP projects from inception to implementation. Ever since start of his career he had been working on Oracle Database platforms ...
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