Dr Nasha Winters,USA-The Metabolic Approach To Cancer

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Guest Speaker  Dr Nasha Winters at MHC - II Guest Speaker Dr Nasha Winters at MHC - II

The session started with a brief introduction about Dr Nasha Winters by Host Harshil, followed with discussion on "Metabolic approach for treatments of cancer" query raised for Dr Nasha, by host. She went on to say that Dr Seyfreed has already talked about this on the first day of the conference, so she did not focus on Biochemistry, but on the clinical description that being her forte. She explained as most people know that metabolic approach to cancer is an emergin Theory same as the somatic mutation theory , existed ever since 1914. Most of the people think that genes are issues in cancer, so practioners look for single target and single treatments for cancer and this at tome is iterative being practiced for over 100 years. As more and more researchers started working on the various causes and started mapping it to cancer patient, different theory started emerging for cancer treatments and causes. The new theory displayed can be genetic issues related with the mitochondrial space that can be a change in micro bio environment, mainly change or shift in the energy metabolisms of the cell with nutrient sensing and signaling can also leverage. As a result, now the metabolic approach is now being deeply researched by various researcher globally--can be useful in the arena of cancel therapies. Dr Nasha explained in detail her metabolic approach that she practiced with the patient that stands by TEST ASSESS ADDRESS and not to guess the approach and she also defined this in her session. Lot more was discussed about Metabolic approach to Cancer therapies, Preview the Recorded Video of the session.

Click on the link below, to preview Video Session 43 minutes with host Harshil

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About Dr Nasha Winters

Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO is a global healthcare authority and alos a best selling author of Integrative cancer care. Dr. Nasha offers doctor-to-doctor consultations and intensive mentorships for clinicians who want to more deeply understand metabolic and integrative approaches to cancer. Over her decades of experience and also fighting cancer, she has worked with thousands of cancer patients, she feels that Cancer is not a single disease and has no single cure. She deeply studies the cells of the body (with labs, molecular profiling, tissue assays, epigenetic testing, and more) for various metabolic approached to cure cancer. The metabolically support the body’s terrain (with oxidative therapy, therapeutic diet, stress reduction, and other therapies). 

Her quest to save her own life has transformed into a mission to support others on a similar journey. Dr. Nasha travels the world to explore integrative cancer clinics, vet cancer protocols for research projects, speak at conferences, and meet with colleagues to help them apply metabolic approaches with their patients.

Dr. Nasha Winters has been on a personal journey with cancer for the last 27 years and is fighting and reversing cancer with her own therapies.