Tyo Prasetyo, Indonesia-Cerebral Palsy & Ketofastosis

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Guest Speaker Tyo Prasetyo  at MHC - II Guest Speaker Tyo Prasetyo at MHC - II

The session started with host asking the guest speaker My Tyo abut his background and experiences with the Low carb journey and key factor that leveraged him to explore deeply on Nutrition and human physiology. Mt Tyo, responded by starting that he is not a doctor, but an electronic and engineer graduate. His background as a businessman in the field of Automotive sector. He went on to share that his first son alif was born in 2008 and few months down the line in June 2009, his son was detected with cerebral palsy. This triggered him to find a cure for his own son, with a kickstart of his journey to research human physiology and he succeeded. He himself was almost obese recording 114 KG, as confessed due to bad lifestyle and food habits. He was unaware how to be healthy. By changing his lifestyle, he was able to control and reduce weight. Based on his personal experience of treating his own son and his weight reduction & control, made a protocol for healthy life. This was totally based on daily behaviors that comprised of 5 activities for a healthy and fit life. Fasting, Moving, relaxing feeding and sleeping the 5 pillars that is defined as KETOFASTOSIS. He stated that he now generates awareness by educating, training and guiding every member on ketofastosis theory, and his member are like family. This keeps people healthier and more fit and this he endorses by stating his own example. For all details, of various queries raised by Host Mandhar and the interactive;session with the Host Mr. Tyo, preview the recorded video of the conference

▶️ Click to preview Interactive Video Session 44 minutes of Day 2, MHC-2 on 27-APR-2024, Host Mandhar Gadre


An engineer by profession and a renowned personality on Social media with over 350K follower and counting. charismatic engineer/entrepreneur from Jakarta who stepped on to Facebook group dedicated to what he calls “Ketofastosis”— the practice of time-restricted, low-carbohydrate eating. He supports individual to fight against the pressure to eat carbohydrates. Ketofastosis has become a thriving, well-organized, grassroots revolution in Indonesia, dedicated to educating and supporting laypeople and clinicians alike all across the sprawling archipelago about the healing power of low-carbohydrate diets.

His son born with cerebral Palsy and suffered from Epilepsy. Tyo was able to cure his son of seizures with a ketogenic diet, and transform his own health by losing weight and getting fit.