Akmal Bhati,India-Diabetes & Cancer Remission Case With Carb Free Diet

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Guest Speaker Akmal Bhati at MHC - II Guest Speaker Akmal Bhati at MHC - II

Session started with the Host briefing about Mr. Akmal following with a query to share his health journey and constraints that made him focus on nutrition for health care. Sharing his journey on Health and Nutrition started in March-2020, as he was diagnosed for diabetes and also went on to be diagnosed for skin cancer. As an experience of being diagnosed as diabetes it was a blessing in disguise for Akmal and it triggered him to explore and research health and Diet. From past 4 year he adopted Low carb followed by carnivore, this helped him to heal and reverse the disease diagnosed. Being passionate about optimal health and wellness, Mr. Akmal follows the principal of preach what he learned and practiced on himself. he stated that he helps people of his community related with diet and health issues. Host mandhar went on to ask about his carb journey, as Mr. Akmal prefer calling himself as Carb Free. He explained this by stating that all started in 2020 while he explored the digital world online to acquire in depth knowledge on nutrition and diets, mainly keto and low carb diet. He was tripped over a video by Shaun baker talking and explored his content too. Moreover, he also explored various articles for keto supported with vegan or low meat content, this made him feel that keto is vegan dominated, while his comfort zone was more with carnivore diet over vegan. Despite this, he started following a semi vegan diet with no fruits in his diet chart, occasionally berries. the vegan diet focused all the vegetable that grew above ground, this diet plan made him feel healthier and was strict Keto. His curiosity level did rise more as a result he started exploring more and stumbled on videos and article related with carnivore diet and after 6 months of research that started from end of 2021, he migrated to carnivore diet and within a week he felt amazing related with his health, henceforth he got stuck on carnivore diet as his transition from Keto ever since then, till date. To explore more a very interesting interaction related with carnivore diets and metabolic therapies preview the record video of Mr, Akmal Bhatti with Host Mandhar.

▶️Click to preview Interactive Video Session 44 minutes of Day 3, MHC-2 on 28-APR-2024, Host Mandhar Gadre

About Mr. Akmal Bhati

Mr. Akmal is a health coach who has reversed his diabetes by following a Ketogenic Diet for two and half year and is on carnivore diet from last one and half year, enabling him to reverse his own diabetes.