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Psoriasis is a chronic disease. In case of Psoriasis immune system becomes overactive. Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease, which means that your body's immune system starts overacting and causing problems. If you have psoriasis, immune cells become active and produce molecules that set off the rapid production of skin cells. This is why skin in people with the disease is inflamed and scaly.Psoriasis results in skin cells to multiply too quickly. Patches of skin become scaly and inflamed, most often on the scalp, elbows, or knees, but other parts of the body can be affected as well. As on date there is no certified cause of psoriasis, but observations reveal that it involves a mix of genetics and environmental factors.

Types of Psoriasis

There are various types of psoriasis observed that includes:

  • Plaque psoriasis: This is the most common kind, and it appears as raised, red patches of skin that are covered by silvery-white scales. The patches usually develop in a symmetrical pattern on the body and tend to appear on the scalp, trunk, and limbs, especially the elbows and knees.
  • Guttate psoriasis: This type Psoriasis is prevalent in children and even young adults. Patients of Guttate psoriasis one can observe red small dots, typically on the torso or limbs. This can trigger by an upper respiratory tract infection, such as strep throat.
  • Pustular psoriasis: In this type of Psoriasis one can notice bumps on skin and is pus-filled, called as pustules surrounded by red skin appear. Mostly found on hands and feet, but in some cases can cover most of the body. 
  • Inverse psoriasis: In this, one can notice smooth red patches in folds of skin. These patches can be beneath the breasts or in the groin or armpits. Rubbing and sweating triggers is more.
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis: A rare form of psoriasis but quite severe, if diagnosed. This Psoriasis is characterized by red, scaly skin spread across the body. Triggered with bad sunburn or side effects of some medications, such as corticosteroids. Erythrodermic psoriasis often develops in people who have a different type of psoriasis that is not well controlled, and it can be very serious


Some factors that leverage psoriasis are:

  1. Infections: mainly streptococcal and HIV infections.
  2. Medications: Certain medicines can have side effect resulting in Psoriasis. Medication and drugs used for treating heart disease, malaria, or mental health problems can result Psoriasis as side effects.
  3. Certain chemicals: exposure to some chemicals may result with symptoms of Psoriasis
  4. Obesity: Body weight can result in finding various symptoms of Psoriasis.
  5. Environmental factors: Researcher found out that it Psoriasis symptoms can be due to various environmental factors.
  6. Family History: If observed in the genealogy, then Psoriasis can be diagnosed in an individual. 
  7. Stress: People with mental stress are also prone to display symptoms of Proriasis
  8. Genetic: Scientist have found with various studies, Psoriasis can be genetic.
  9. Smoking: Proriasis has be prvalently observed among smokers


Symptoms of psoriasis vary from person to person, but some common ones are:

  1. Skin: Patches of thick, red skin with silvery-white scales that itch or burn, typically on the elbows, knees, scalp, trunk, palms, and soles of the feet. Dry, cracked skin that itches or bleeds.
  2. Pain: Notices in various joints of Human body and joint stiffness.
  3. Nails: Thick, ridged, pitted nails or small dents in nails
  4. Sleep: Poor sleep quality.
  5. Mental: Mainly depression 
  6. Inflamed tendons


  1. Psoriatic arthritis: Causes pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joints. It's important to treat psoriatic arthritis early to prevent permanent joint damage. 
  2. Cardiovascular disease: Psoriasis patients have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, even after controlling for other risk factors. The risk is highest in patients with more severe psoriasis at a younger age. 
  3. Metabolic syndrome: An estimated 20 to 50 percent of people with psoriasis are affected by metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by high blood pressure, increased waist circumference, elevated blood sugar levels, and elevated blood fats. 
  4. Mental health conditions: People with psoriasis may be more likely to experience depression, low self-esteem, anxiety, and sleep disorders. 
  5. Skin cancers: People with psoriasis may be more likely to develop certain cancers, such as skin cancers and lymphomas. 
  6. Eye conditions: People with psoriasis may be more likely to develop eye conditions, such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and uveitis. 
  7. Other autoimmune diseases: People with psoriasis may be more likely to develop other autoimmune diseases, such as celiac disease, sclerosis, and Crohn's disease. 
  8. Other medical comorbidities: People with psoriasis may be more likely to develop other medical comorbidities, such as kidney disease, heart disease, and joint problems


1. Genetics: Variants of the human leukocyte antigen-C (HLA-C) gene, particularly the HLA-Cw6 allele, are strongly associated with psoriasis. 

Medications: Some medications can trigger psoriasis, including:

  • Lithium 
  • High blood pressure drugs 
  • Antimalarial drugs 
  • Anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen 
  • ACE inhibitors 
  • Prednisone 
  • Hydroxychloroquine 

2. Lifestyle factors: Some lifestyle factors can trigger psoriasis, including:

  • Smoker
  • alcohol consumption
  • Stress 

3. Hormonal changes: particularly found in women 

4. Infections: especially streptococcal and HIV infections 

5. Skin: Skin injuries, such as cuts, scrapes, insect bites, or sunburns 

6. Climate: Weather, especially cold, dry conditions 

7. Other conditions that may increase the risk of psoriasis include:

  • Obesity 
  • Diabetes 
  • High cholesterol 
  • Strokes 
  • Heart attacks 


There is no cure for psoriasis, but treatments can help improve symptoms and the appearance of skin. The right treatment depends on the severity of your psoriasis and how it has responded to previous treatments. Some common treatments include: 

  1. Topical treatments: conventional treatment of Psoriasis where dermatologist can prescribe their Psoriasis patients with Creams, ointments, lotions, foams, or solutions that can contain corticosteroids, vitamin D, coal tar, or retinoids. Corticosteroids are the most common treatment for mild to moderate psoriasis. 
  2. Phototherapy: Exposing the skin to ultraviolet light. Narrowband UVB is a type of phototherapy that is often prescribed for people with weakened immune systems, pregnant or breastfeeding women, and children. 
  3. Systemic treatments: Oral or injected medications that work throughout the body. These can include methotrexate, acitretin, cyclosporin, and calcipotriol. 
  4. Biologic response modifiers: Injected medications that mimic immune system cells and products to reduce inflammation. Examples include Enbrel, Cosentyx, and Humira. 
  5. Immunosuppressants: Medications that suppress the immune system and are usually used for severe cases. 
  6. Provides drug free therapies for reversal and treatments of Psoriasis. The advantages of treatments

You might need to try different treatments or a combination of treatments before finding one that works. Even with successful treatment, psoriasis usually returns.


As per research and surveys around 125 million people worldwide are suffering from psoriasis, this is 2–3% of the global population,


The cost of conventional Psoriasis treatment varies, depends on the conditions of Psoriasis (Mild Moderate Severe). Conventional medication by dermatologists provides various creams and drugs to suppress the various symptom of Psoriasis but not reversed.

  • DLIFEHOSPITALS.COM Psoriasis treatment cost cany vary from 500 to 800  USD. provides drug free treatment with metabolic therapies. Metabolic coaches at, with success stories of reversing Psoriasis in patients provides various therapies and treatments for Psoriasis.