Lifelong being a student, and coming from a background family of doctors, despite doctors' family never heard the word Nutrition from His father and brother both are doctors, even from the medical circle. Being an engineer he had a quest for nutrition and was keen to have a deep knowledge about nutrition, though this came pretty late in his life. He believes that pills and drug-based treatments can be best for acute cases or emergency. His perception for Believes in, Health is wealth and health is life, health is community. This led him to gain knowledge of Nutrition and the only way possible was to get a certified education on Nutrition. Even personal suffering dealing with Gut health and suffering from a condition called as IBS. He found, some online video where fasting and LOW CARB was a perfection solution. Having tried fasting and got positive result, his next interest was LOW CARB. He explored online for a week and reached and got stuck there after seeing the content. That’s how he landed of dLife and also quest for certification on nutrition and he enrolled to Diploma in heath and Nutrition
▶️ Click to Hear What Sandesh Says as She Talks With Host Ira Sahay
Feedback for the online course: very comprehensive course. The content as well structured with a flexibility to learn from location. The language used in all the course topic are very simple. You don’t need a medicine background to understand the term used in the complete course. This he could not find anywhere else that made him choose this online nutrition course.
Feedback Forum Support for Students: he has a mental model of learning as in percentage of 70-20-10 for any 100% education. 70% is learning by doing, 20% is learning from other can be senior or piers and 10% is training. The 20% is the forum and the Low Carb recipes (2000+ recipes) where the seniors handhold the students. Response to the question is instant by the seniors, even if it’s a dumbest query, but is answered with patience.
Suggestion to Others wanting to Enrol: If you value your health -- learn how to avoid losing health. This course is more like history with evidence. When history and evidence are like hand in gloves, one can’t deny of shying off. If we name any disease, all starts with food. So if you care about your health there is no reason, why one should not enroll. Even if you don’t want to practice, profession if you care for health, this course is must.
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dLife Salient Features as per Sandesh
Competition: he said, he would love to a competitor of dLife, which he feels is difficult to develop and deploy such a platform. The key is its always updated with the latest information relevant to Nutrition and food Science and Therapies based on nutrition. There are 100’s of courses online but non could match what dLife course providesAbout Sandesh Bhat: is an Graduate engineer and is working for a Fortune 50 US based company. He is been working on corporate world for last 20 years.
KEY WORDS: courses on nutrition, Diploma health and nutrition, Diploma Courses, Recognized online Diploma courses, online courses, Dietetics, Dieticians, Health, Food Science, Health and Nutrition