Being a Doctor himself and serving Indian Defence and he talks what made him opt the Diploma in Health and Nutrition Course. Journey started from pandemic days. Whiles exploring Twitter, he followed various interaction nutritionist and diets for healthy body. Mainly followed international crowd but the diet plan he explore did not suit the traditional Indian diets. Since, he himself is a mainstream doctor, he justified why he felt the need to enrol for Diploman In Health & Nutrition. As a doctor, he believes that prevention be better than cure. This is same like a preventive maintenance for machinery to run smooth, human body too works like a machine. The preventive maintenance for a human body pivots around the lifestyle like diets exercise, etc. Diets is the most important preventive maintenance. Diet fuels human body, So, if bad lifestyle related with diets, no medicine can every help a human body from having a break down. Majority of metabolic disorder diseases arise from bad diets and lifestyle. Nutrition that’s taught in the medical school are totally irrelevant with no education on application. While exploring online he stumbled on dLife, and explored various post he was found each post very scientific and logical. Exploring dLife course topics and syllabus, he found he is missing lot on education for Nutrition, so he enrolled for Diploman In Health & Nutrition, This was to gain deep knowledge of nutrition.
▶️ Click to Hear What Dr. Shridhar Says for Diploma In Health & Nutrition to Host Ira Sahay
Feedback for course: Very structured course. The flow of information related with chapter and topic cover are very sequential and logical. The language used is bery easy to understand. Most importa towards the end it elaborates on the practical aspects of the content covered in various chapters and topics on Nutrition, food science and Low carbs, He went on to explore the course structure and also did explore other courses available online, but could not find any course at par with the Diploma in Health and Nutrition by dLife. A person always needs to keep studying and be updated with the latest. Despite being doctor practicing main stream medicine for 33+ year, he says, that this course covered his knowledge gaps. The best thing about the course ir that it even suits any who is not from medical background. With a basic knowledge of Biology, this course educates about diseases with interventions. It can help in the preventive maintenance or even reverse the damages already done.
Suggestion to Others Willing to Join: This course is a perfect course for medicos who are looking for a deviation in medical practice, for therapies. Even those who are not practicing they can join the course to change their lifestyle. They can even help family members and relatives or their social circle to keep a person Health just by adapting a lifestyle changes that's the complete course covers. Every one will massively benefit from joining this course, Diploma is Health and Nutrition. Those who still have doubts they can read the Post of the founder person Mr. Anup and he is certain if tey read for one month they cant resist joining the course. Since it makes lot of Sense. Even
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Being a Doctor His Suggestion To Fellow Doctors: As a general practice most doctors diagnoses their patient just by controlling the issues faced by their patients. But many of the study is to be done for the background, which many doctor are not able to follow, maybe busy schedules. Being a surgeon also, says over 50% of the surgery can be tackled once that gain Nutrition and lifestyle knowledge covered in this online health and nutrition course. Surgery should be the last remedies to be performed on the patients. The preventive therapies if deployed prior to surgery it will be very beneficial. This even is very economical for the patients in term of Hospital bills, not forgetting the side effect of some medicine and post-surgery cares. Suggest this course as a very important course even for doctors as they can practice preventive therapies with Nutrition before they rush for surgeries or prescription pills.
Note* As on date this online course of Diploma in Health and Nutrition has be enrolled by 13 Doctors, and Dr. Shridhar as one of them
About Mr. Shridhar Nagraj
Comes with any defense background, is in the alumnus of Armed Forces Medical College, city of Pune, India. He completed Post Graduation in Anaetheology from the same Intuition. Serving Indian defense Forces for over 33 years, in his specialty of Medicine. He held and performed various administrative position all over India and abroad.
KEY WORDS : Diploma in Nutrition and Health, food science courses India, low carb diet education, Diploma, Online Diploma Course India, Low carb Course, dieticians, Nutrition online course India, internationally recognized nutrition courses, online nutritionist course, NDSC, Skill India approved