His quest to learn the science behind diabetes and remission got him connected to D-Life.
That's the necessity of the hour. Well, this is my background, right? Both my parents are diabetics.
They have been taking diabetes and blood pressure and cholesterol medications for a very long time. So I knew I need to keep a check on myself. So for more than 10 years, I have been taking my annual blood work very seriously.
For the first few years, the blood work was all normal. I was very happy. But after that, I noticed that I started slowly getting into pre-diabetes blood ranges, about 100 plus.
And then that's when my doctor started advising me to start changing my lifestyle. I would immediately go and get a gym membership, maybe go for a week or so, and then not show up again. And then this used to happen every single year for the next few years.
And then that was when I started noticing that my triglycerides started shooting up and I was moving to pre-hypertension stage. And one fine year, my HbA1c was all six plus and my fasting blood sugar was all 128 plus. And then the doctor told me that, yes, it was time for him to give me an actual prescription to manage my diabetes.
And I pleaded with him to give me one more year. And then he said, no, it was his moral responsibility to write me a prescription. So when I walked away with that prescription in hand, they say, proverbially, right, it hits you with like a ton of bricks.
That's when I decided that I had to do something because I have now started following the same journey that my parents had. I have observed how their numbers were shooting up because it was just blood sugar numbers and then started hypertension, cholesterol, triglycerides. And they knew I was exactly on the same track.
So I had to do something. And taking the medicine is definitely not the solution. I knew that allopathy did not have a permanent cure.
It was just diabetes management. It was never a remission or a reversal. So that's when I started doing research very sincerely and I came across this keto and LCHF related information.
Back then there was not too many credible information on YouTube and on the internet. So I had to buy books on keto or LCHF and every book that I could get my hands on, they were all cookbooks. So there was just one section, an intro on the science behind it, maybe four or five pages.
And then the rest of the books were all cookbooks with recipes. And these were all American recipes. So it was all completely non-vegetarian.
I happened to be vegetarian. Well, the recipes, the non-vegetarian recipes, the ingredients won't even be available for non-vegetarians in India. So it was all based on completely on American context, but based on what I could understand, I started customizing it for Indian vegetarian diet because I understood some basic concepts.
Then very shortly, I definitely saw an immediate, I mean, impact because my blood sugar level started going down along with the triglycerides and from pre hypertension, I started becoming very normal. So I knew the system worked and then I was really keen on sharing it with my own family, my parents, because I knew they needed it. But that's when I realized that I don't really have the scientific data behind it.
I knew it was something to do with insulin sensitivity and this diet helps achieve that with low carb approach, but I knew that I need to know more. And that's when Satyajit Das, I happened to be on his WhatsApp group. He was recommending this course.
And then as soon as I checked out Daylife, I immediately went ahead and enrolled in it. And thank God I really did it because now I think with this, clearing the diploma and clearing the materials, I think I now understand scientifically and medically what exactly is going on and how somebody doesn't have to just manage diabetes all their life. They can actually reverse and come into remission and even come out of medications.
Feedback for COurse:
Well, I mean, Day life calls this as a diploma course, but I would urge everyone to treat it as a professional degree because that is the quality of information that you really get. It's every single topic associated with metabolic disorder. That is what is covered in much greater scientific and medical detail.
That is something I really loved it. That is what I wanted to learn and that is exactly what I got from this course. And then it's not just the course, right?
There's a lot of information related to the research publications and research videos that makes it very, very credible. I mean, it's the same league of information that medical doctors get outside. So that is the same kind of information that we get here as well.
It's not just the course again, there's a lot of other things like forums because that is the very powerful one. Daylife is around nine or 10 years old, right? So it has so much of rich information, right from Indian recipes, vegetarian, non-vegetarian, doesn't matter.
A lot of case studies. So a lot of that information can help anybody kickstart their reversal journey or in their journey to become a coach. So much support because there are a lot of people with infinite wisdom in this community.
And it's so very easy to reach out to them and get a lot of knowledge about any conditions related to metabolic disorder
Because this is the information that I have always been looking for, the actual science behind diabetes and is it possible to even, for someone to reverse it? So I'm very fortunate, consider myself, I mean, I have a lot of gratitude for D-Life for everything that I've learned from it..
Feedback on Support and Forum
Definitely. What I liked is instantaneous access to everybody, right? I mean, I personally can only think of few cases based on my health condition or maybe the health condition of the people around me, but in this forum and on the WhatsApp group, we get on an everyday basis, somebody discussing some case. So the explosion of knowledge and access that you get to a much, much broader community is very, very powerful. You instantaneously understand all the different conditions that people are going through because everybody discusses openly and then they share their feedback. So this is like a hands-on frontline education, right? Real-world experience. So that is what is richly available on this forums and the WhatsApp group.
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Feedback on Fees: Knowledge doesn't come free. That ability to be with people who have all this information, that doesn't come free. So I would urge people to look at the intangibles. Quality of life that one can improve without medications and even help others is way more valuable than even the course fees. One can look at the bigger picture as you can do something very valuable with people's lives around you.
"This is how I look at it, right? I mean, on the same day that I was given my first diabetes medication prescription, thousands of people around the world would have also started on their diabetes medication journey. But I consider myself very lucky because I was able to come out of it, not get onto any of the medications and completely be on remission without having to worry about diabetes because I have taken charge." Said Premnath Raghavendra
Recommendation to Others: As times change this course is something that prvides immense knowlwdge. Such valuable information for maintaining healthy life with lifestyle change, mainly Food and Nutrition is definitely not available outside, even with the medical community. He encourages everyone to enroll as the world of diabetes care is changing completely. Suggests people around not to be stuck with the conventional prescription based therapies with use of pills. on completion of this course Diploma in Health and Nutrition lets you manage diabeese and many other metabolic disorder without Pills. All one needs is knowledge and this course educates you to manage various metabolic disorder and even reverse.
About Premnath Raghavendra: He's a BITS Pilani graduate and has decades of experience in software industry. He found that he was pre-diabetic and eventually diabetic in his late thirties. After extensive research, he was able to reverse it with LCHF successfully.
Future Plans as Full Time Metabolic Coach: Currentlly he is providing help in his family relative and close circut friiend. This helps him to build realtime confidence and build a brand. He plans to quite his corporate job and be a full time Metabolic Healt coach in future,
Final Words:
"Thank you so much, Ira. And thanks to Anoop and everybody behind the D-Life, and thanks a lot to the entire dLife community because it is a community that makes this very strong. I would encourage everybody to get started because regardless of what your professional background is, this information about your health, about your family's health is very, very valuable. So I would encourage everybody to get started on this knowledge journey. It's going to help you." Said Premnath Raghavendra
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