He was diagnosed as a diabetic in 2022, which he managed to reverse in three months following the LCHF diet. Since then, he has always wanted to study nutrition. Feels great for to share course review (Hear What He Says as Review) and to speak his mind regarding this course and he now feels great to be called as a certified metabolic health coach.
I was waiting for two years for this moment to be called as certified metabolic health coach. I enrolled with Satyajit Das sir, who is a senior member of D-Life community. I got introduced to low-carb high-fat way of diet and also D-Life through him.
I could reverse my pre-diabetes which was in initial stages in three months only. My HbA1c was 8.1 but still I could manage it to reverse it to 5.6 in just three months thanks to Satyajit sir. I got introduced to D-Life through him and I started studying at that time regarding nutrition but unfortunately, I could not concentrate fully on this LCHF protocol or this as a full-time career.
Actually, this is a switch of career for me. I would be working as a full-time metabolic health coach from now onwards. Thank you for the great introduction and thank you for this opportunity of course review.
Yes, actually I have always been interested in diet and nutrition since my school days. I was always reading from here and there from newspaper, from magazines but I could not gather or collect credible information regarding diet and nutrition. I used to read a lot of books unfortunately, now I understand that those books were not very scientific but that were the only books available.
I could not help myself. Now, I understand that the right knowledge regarding this LCHF protocol is a totally different thing and fortunate for me that I got introduced to D-Life through Satyajit sir and then I came to know what is right knowledge and what is right information, what is correct knowledge. So, I immediately understood that this is the right kind of knowledge, right kind of information.
I should study it in detail. Unfortunately, I could not do it full time in last two years and still I kept studying this LCHF protocol which is effective, very very effective I would say. I have reversed my prediabetes in just three months.
I have two success stories. I would reveal that in D-Life podcasts if I am given an opportunity and I am very much convinced that this protocol and the right knowledge and information that is provided by D-Life is no doubt the perfect solution for all the lifestyle related diseases and disorders. So, I have already seen the results and effects of it in myself and also in two of my friends.
So, I am very much convinced about it.
His Feedback for Course:
Exactly. Actually, I have done my BSc and I now understand that I did not learn much in those three years of my college. Though I was very much curious, I was very studious also.
I used to be very inquisitive also, very curious about what real knowledge is but I could not gather much information in these three years of my college. I have majored in biology, botany and zoology are my favorite subjects and out of curiosity I have read a lot in biology especially in diet and nutrition. But when I came to know about D-Life, I understood what is right knowledge, what is right information, what is right education I would say and I felt like I should have came across to D-Life a long time back.
I have wasted a lot of my time. If I had came across D-Life in my 20s, that would have been great. So, I understood what real knowledge is, what real education is, what a structured course is.
It is a very structured course, very systematically arranged, very scientifically arranged sections, sub-sections. All the information is very up-to-date, scientific to the point and to the mark also. Quality is no doubt up to the mark and it is very easy to digest also.
It is not like it is very difficult to understand and I am not able to understand the course. It is not like that. I could easily understand, I could easily digest what was being taught in the course.
So, on that front also I found it very easy to understand, easy to digest. So, overall I would say that this is perfect combination of all the factors that are necessary in any course or any education related activity. So, I am very happy that I came across D-Life and this is just the beginning for me.
I know I have to learn a lot still from my mentors especially Anup sir and Shashi sir. So, long way to go still. I still have to learn a lot but I am sure that beginning is in the right direction for me.
His Feedback for Support and Forum:
Yes. The forum provides an excellent opportunity for all the participants. They can ask any query about any case they are handling or any issue they are facing while studying the course.
They can put up any query and the mentors immediately address that query to the satisfaction of the candidate. So, I would say it is a very great feature of this course that student gets his queries answered by his mentors. So, that is one thing.
Podcasts give another opportunity to the enrollees to showcase their knowledge or their success stories and that is being put up on the YouTube channel of D-Life itself. So, that gives access or exposure to candidates in the right way, very right way and also whatsapp group is also another interesting and very unique feature of D-Life where you can ask any question and the mentors immediately come and resolve your queries even though they are very silly. Even I ask very silly questions but still I get responses every time.
So, actually there are so many misconceptions about diet and nutrition and even after studying the course one may get confused about various intricacies of diet and nutrition. So, one needs such platform to get such queries answered. So, these three platforms I would say are great features of this course, D-Life course.
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Recommendation for Others:
Okay, I would say the price of the course is justified, very much justified and it should not be less than that whatever the price is and I trust Anup sir that he has kept the price at exactly right place. It should not be very low so that any non-serious candidates are enrolling half-heartedly and then not doing it properly. So, the low price would not justify the quality of the course.
So, the price is set at a right place by Anup sir, I am convinced about it. And secondly, I would say to enrollees that if only you are 100% serious about making this as your career, then only go for this course. Otherwise, you will not be able to grasp and do justice to this course content.
This course is excellent. It covers all the information you need to work as a metabolic health coach. Nothing is left, everything is covered, you get proper support, proper mentorship, everything you get.
But you need to be serious regarding whether you want to work this as a full-time career. So, if you are ready for doing that, then obviously you should go for a D-Life course. This should be your first choice.
If you are an Indian, you should go for this course only. There is no other option as far as I know. You should directly go for this course.
About Praveen Khade: He has done his BSc from the University of Pune and always been interested in nutrition. He worked as a gazetted officer for 15 years.he's also a trader. He trades in commodities, especially crude oil and now Praveen is planning to work full-time as a certified metabolic health coach.