Disease Lupus
Age as on date 38 Years
Background of Disease
WHat she says post her treanment from Metabolic coach of DlifeHospital - Ira Sahay
After she started getting therapies from her Metabolic Coach, she had reduced her Steroids considerably and had never once had an emergency hospitalization episode since she came on to plans Prescribed by her Therapist Ira. She shared her experiances dealing handful of arrogant Indian doctors (not all) had come under my tweet to create their usual drama & doubt Shally's own feedback about her win over her 22 yrs of suffering. Some even had the nerve to call me a quack. They didn't even spare Shally. Such was the arrogance despite zero remission in their entire practice!
When you can't deliver results you go around calling those who do- quacks. Quackery is- When despite all your years of pharma-driven education & arrogance, you keep someone on pills & steroids for 23 yrs, with ZERO ability to put a severe Autoimmune condition into remission!
There are hundreds of good drs around the world using TCR/Low Carb to put such severe AI diseases into remission. Those doctors matter. Not the ones who don't know a thing about TCR and yet have hollow arrogance with a zero-remission track record.